In this article, we offer you detailed information about Alibaba, daily, monthly and yearly profits, how much you earn every second + the value of the company's website, how many visits per day and other important information
There are a lot of e-stores to buy products online, but Alibaba Group is one of the leading companies in the world to sell products via the Internet
And because this great store is so popular in the world, there are many who are wondering about the profits of this wonderful website of Alibaba
This is what you will find in this article that we will provide you with daily, monthly and yearly profits for the company alibaba in addition to the company price and its market value + the number of visits to the company store through its official website
The daily earnings are $ 287,999
Monthly earnings are estimated at more than 8,639,970
The company's annual profit is approximately $ 103,679,640
Alibaba earns $ 389.71 every second
And the marketing value of the company reached $ 979,000,000 million, according to Worthofweb's global statistics
Alexa ranks the official website ranking 120 worldwide
And all these details are true to the date of publication of this article
This is a picture that shows you the profits of Alibaba store
As for the number of visits, the number of daily visits to the alibaba website has reached more than 19,200,000 million
The daily visits are approximately 576,000,000 million
As for the annual visits, it reached 6,912,000,000 billion visits annually
You should know that all these details can be verified and you can verify this information by entering the worthofweb platform from here, and after entering the platform you will place the link on the website of Alibaba
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